We totally get it. We understand the challenge of welcoming a child into your home only to find out they're coming to you with just the clothing on their backs. Unfortunately, this is common. When we welcomed two older boys into our home, we needed to provide entire wardrobes, shoes, pajamas, underwear, coats, and school supplies. And the clothing allowance provided to children in foster care only goes so far. It was a struggle.
After some research, we quickly learned there was not a resource for foster parents nearby so we set out to change that. Since 2018 we've distributed countless diapers, numerous cans of formula, safe sleeping items, car seats, high chairs, endless articles of clothing, and anything else you can think of a child may need. We firmly believe that if we remove every barrier a foster parent will encounter when welcoming a child into their home, it will lead to better care and greater outcomes for the child.
Want to join us on our mission?